Art courses


Our school invites you to our painting courses for beginners and those who want to learn how to paint from scratch, and we also have profile programs.

Drawing for beginners

Features of our painting courses for beginners
Our main advantage is an individual approach to each student because the first experience is the most difficult. Teachers of the studio will prompt and show different techniques of the first picture. Oil painting, pencil drawing, drawing lessons from life, still life, landscape, watercolor lessons all can be within your reach as a beginner artist.

You can buy group subscriptions as well as private lessons to attend the drawing course for beginners.

In groups, everyone draws according to individual assignments drawn up together with the teacher, for example, if you come for the first time in class and want to draw a still life or a landscape, you will be offered a photo from the catalog of landscapes or still life scenes from life, with which you will work later. Believe me, at first it’s much easier to copy. You can also bring your own materials to create an individual, coveted painting.

Academic Drawing Course

Basic course teaches you to draw simple forms on paper with a pencil as basics of academic drawing such as cube, pyramid, sphere. You need this experience to further teach you how to draw complex shapes.

The curriculum includes:

  • Drawing a cube in pencil.
  • Academic drawing of a sphere
  • Cylinder
  • Drawing 2-3 figures together – basics of composition, still life

Water Color Course

Who are suitable for watercolor courses? – Almost everyone who wants to learn how to draw with watercolors, to reproduce colors and shapes with delicate tones.

You don’t need any initial training to start painting watercolors, you can come to our courses and try your hand at the ancient technique.

Groups of no more than 5 students are formed for a normal teacher-student contact.
Materials are provided directly at the watercolor courses, you don’t need to take anything with you.

Oil painting course

The most popular material at painting classes today is oil. More precisely, oil paints. At our school we offer both individual and group courses.

How is the education process built in oil painting courses?
Group painting courses – up to 6 people, each having their own task and working space with lighting, palette, comfortable easel, supports and individual approach of a teacher. We should note that everyone will have an individual task or program agreed between you and the teacher. For example – you have chosen a picture from our catalog and want to paint a landscape, still life, a copy of a famous master.